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Government’s occupational health & safety policy remains unchanged
No spectacular changes in the Government’s occupational health and safety policy are to be expected, and the Government will continue on its present course. This is evident from the Sociale Nota (Social Memorandum) 2002 the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment published on Prinsjesdag, the third Tuesday in September on which the Government announces its plans for the coming year. The Government’s Memorandum outlines the contours of the policy that was implemented several years ago, a policy which is primarily based on occupational health & safety covenants and a range of measures designed to reduce the influx of beneficiaries pursuant to the Occupational Disability Insurance (WAO) Act. It is not yet clear which of the recommendations submitted by the Donner Committee will be adopted; the Memorandum states solely that the Social and Economic Council and the Council for Public Sector Personnel Policy will issue recommendations on the Committee’s report within the near future. Subsequent to the issue of these recommendations the Government will determine its standpoint.
Source: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment